Politics is like theatre. The show must go on!
It’s been a while since I updated. That was partly because of major computer problems. My compu is still not working half as good as it should, but at least I seem to have regained some sort of connection to the (virtual) world! I hope to solve the rest of the problems in a couple of weeks.
Furthermore, I have been very busy these last few weeks in my job as cityhall reporter. It was election time, as you may know. I had great fun by the way. As if circus was in town!
These days I spend most of my time following the coalition talks. It will be weeks before this city has a new government. So the fun continues.
Meanwhile, as a New York-lover I was excited to read about the discovery of thousands of crackers (!) inside the foundations of the Brooklyn Bridge. The crackers were found during reconstruction works. Nobody knew they were there, and city officials still can’t really explain why they were there and for whom they were meant. Apparently the crackers were part of some sort of Cold War supply stock.
The New York Times claims to know they taste ‘bitter’. I, as a Dutchman, say: Try them with cheese!!!