In the evening we went to see Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11'. What can I say? Because my very first visit to New York City was in the week of that bizarre and dreadfull day in September 2001 and because this city is in my heart each day ever since, I had to see Moore's pamphlet. But we all know Michael Moore.... I share his points of view most of the time, but the ways he puts them on stage are hilarious at best, but mostly just ridiculous. And to be honest: just as dangerously manipulative as the big US networks he critisizes so much... By the way, I'm going back to NYC this September. I'm very much looking foreward to that.

The Divine Sir O regrets he has to disagree with Gg. Manipulation will not help the masses.
You also need to find and watch Farenhype 911. It is a film that largely exposes Michael Moore's outright lies, manipulation and distortion of facts. It is not just a disservice, it is criminal. I was concerned when I watched Moore's film, but more concerned after viewing Farenhype. Anyone professing to be a journalist in any way shape or firm cannot and must not portray information in this manner. The free press is what keeps the government on their toes, but lies and maniupulation only throw a screw in the works, and causes even the trusted media to be called into question.
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