Thursday, February 14, 2008

Seasonal confusion

The Christmas tree on my balcony refuses to die. And he is only standing on his wooden cross. Meanwhile indoors the lobbed branches of a willow-tree that I put in a vase about two weeks ago are sprouting as if it was already Springtime.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Birth of a new blog

It’s been over a month now that I updated. I know that and I am very sorry. But I can explain.
We from Richard's Corner have been very busy to improve our product and we are very proud to anounce that we can show you the first results today.
As you may know we have done a big survey a few months ago to find out more about your needs as a reader of this blog. It has been a tough job to process the increadable amount of data that we got out of this survey. The only way to do that was the way that would do right to the one’s that were so kind to help us find out what is needed to make this fine product an even better one. And we did.

And I think we got it. We are opening a new blog. In Dutch. It will be revealed any minute now.

But before we do I must point out that this will NOT mean the end of Richard’s Corner. This blog WILL be here for you as you know it.

Okay, are we ready guys…? Yes? 1, 2, 3….! A new blog has just been born!!!