My brother had to miss a nice little dinner party we had planned with our parents last Wednesday because of the flu. Too bad, but he was sick as a dog and so was his wife and little daughter.
I didn't catch it, I'm sure. I don't have the symptoms. But still... I don't feel too good.
I don't know what it is. I called in sick Friday. I felt a little guilty because it was my turn for the the weekend shift this weekend, and now a colleague had to take over. And how bad did I feel really, I asked myself?
To tell you the truth, not terribly bad. Not so bad that I couldn't stand up straight. I never even lost my appetite (my mother used to draw the line there: when you lost your appetite you were officially ill). I just was so goddamn tired all the time! And my throat was hurting.
Now I hate to take these things seriously, so when the works doctor called yesterday (on my day off actually) to ask me when I would start working again, I told her: probably tomorrow. Not even to get rid of her. There is a lot of work waiting for me. And I have too much energy to just sit around the house.
The problem is, I have too little energy for a whole day working. I found that out yesterday afternoon when I went out to a few stores to get me some stuff. I was out for just an hour and a half, I think. Still I returned home exhausted. As if I had run a marathon.
So I stayed home this morning. I got some work done though and even got to the office late in the afternoon. But I feel very tired now.
Now I'm thinking: do I need to see a doctor? Have my blood checked? My gf pointed out to me that my glands are swollen. But what does that tell me?
Humm, I wish I had the flu!

ps: in front of my house I found this little fellow. He looked a bit lost. I hope he's found his way back home by now.
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