Monday, July 10, 2006

Doing Something (2)

This Saturday RdB had her birthday party. I still don’t feel like going to parties, but I knew I could not not go to this one. RdB is my “journalistic mom”. And it was her 50th birthday. Besides, I knew her friends had put a lot of effort in throwing her a real nice party and I had let them down by not participate in any of the preparations. I had to go. So I dragged myself to it.
I could have left right after midnight just like I intended. I didn’t. I stayed till 3 a.m. as one of the last guests to leave. I had come on my own, I stayed on my own and left alone. But still I had a good time. Among very nice and friendly people. They sang to RdB, performed sketches, and made her feel special. In a very nice and warm way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doing something is good my Dear Richard. These are times for going within, for really understanding who and what we are. Love makes us feel special, MORE than we realize we are, but in reality already are. This is the time for you to realize you are special without anyone, all by yourself. You are magnificent, special creature endowed with gifts no one else has. Love never goes away..not really anyway. "The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage."
Have courage my will find joy and Love inside yourself once again. And Life will be as beautiful as it has always been.
Come visit me. NY has a way of putting the dreamer back in us all.
I do Love you my dear Richard.