Tuesday, May 22, 2007

News from the balcony

There is something strange going on on my balcony. I am no expert, but I have two troughs there with plants in it that really shouldn’t be there, I’m sure. I had them there last year, they were little green plants carrying funny purple flowers that blossomed all summer. Surely I don’t know their name, but I really think that they were suppose to die in the winter. I was even pretty convinced that they did.
But they are back! Like zombies they have risen from their graves. Right on my balcony! Only they have no flowers! So, eh, what’s the use?!
Now D. told me that I should be patient and wait a little. So I will. Her fingers are a lot greener than mine and besides: there’s no reason to not wait a little when miss D. tells you to wait a little.

And some things do take time. Like the sunflowers I’m trying to grow for the first time in my life. They are doing pretty good so far. Reaching out for the sky. There will be flowers here this summer somehow, I’m sure.

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