Sunday, July 22, 2007

First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin!

I'm ready for take off! Well, I still have to wait a little before I can go, but booking two vacations on one day does give a thrill.
Two? That's right, two!

I just booked my flight to New York in September to begin with. I'll be there two whole weeks. I can hardly wait to be back in the city
of my heart. Not in the least because of my two friends Gg and Roger

There was quite some shocking news from Manhattan the other week, did you hear about that? An old steam pipe exploded nearby Grand Central Terminal. I did't think too much of it when I first heard of it, until I saw the pictures on the New York Times website. What a blast! One man even died in the event, having a heart attack. It must have been a pretty scary site.

Let's hope the other pipes will last, especially in September...

My other trip will be with a couple of friends. We decided to spend New Year's Eve in Berlin. We won't stay too long, I just booked us rooms for only three days. Although I'm considering to stay a little longer myself if possible.

Anyway, there is reason enough to play that old Leonard Cohen song out loud, right?

Is there any more news? Hmmm, let me think... D. called last Friday and it was good to hear her voice again. I didn't hear from her too much these last couple of weeks.
We didn't talk long. She had a very exciting story about going under cover at the Scientology Church to do a journalistic report. One day later she gave me a message that she wouldn't go through with it though. Maybe for the better. I don't know if she thought her plans through very well, and it is certainly not without risks to try and pull a trick on these guys.
I still miss D. to be honest. Especially on days like these, when I'm all excited about something. But she prefers to be somewhere else, so what can one do? That's her choice.

More? Not much. I got a new hat. I lost two in just five weeks. This one comes from a internet store in Finland. Although the label inside says: 'Made in Nepal'...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I shot a frog (again)

Don't worry, I won't make this a frog blog. But I have to show the picture I took yesterday of this little green friend. Because it is a slightly better picture than the one I showed earlier. And he is green! (Click to see it BIG!!)

Or what to think of this little inmate?

And these two troopers?



Monday, July 16, 2007


Today is my parents' 54th wedding anniversary. That’s right, there 54th...
It’s getting more difficult to get them a nice present for this day every year. Last year I had this pretty brilliant idea of giving them a tour in Haarlem’s ancient city hall, where they once married. I couldn’t do wrong for months!
It had to be something with a bit of a nostalgic twist again, so much was clear. So my brother and sister and I came up with the idea to just take ‘m out for a fancy but nice dinner in Stempels, which is situated in the 18th century’s former Royal printing-office of Joh. Enschedé and sons. They used to print bank notes here. And, between 1737 and 1940, the paper that I work for!
The nostalgic part was more about being with just the five of us though. No spouces, no girlfriend and no further offspring - just the happily married couple and their three kids.
We took them yesterday. I believe they liked it very much. And the food was really nice.
The only thing that was bothering me: it was so damn hot yesterday, with on top of that very high humidity. And that is just the kind of weather that kills me. I hope I wasn’t too bad company.
After we kissed and hugged goodbye I thought I’d cool down a little with a cold beer in Koops. But the sidewalk café was crowded and inside was like an oven. So I went home and poured myself a nice refreshing class of rose and sat down on my balcony gazing at a lonely star in the sky and some planes going by. And that was pretty near to perfection. There was even a little breeze!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I shot a frog

Yep, I did it!! Remember D. took me to look for frogs some three months ago? You don’t? Hmmm, that’s odd… (look here)
Anyway, we didn’t find them then. Which was a pity, because I really wanted to take a picture of one of Kermit’s relatives. I guess we were to early.
Meanwhile D. did get to take a picture of a frog. And hers can’t be beaten really. She made a great picture. And her frog is green! (look here)
Still, I’m not all that unhappy with the picture I finally got to make today. That’s right: I shot a frog! Two actually!! Frogs are awesome.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Young & Restless


....And The Old & Restless:


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Be a Simpson

In Holland it never really happened to me that someone, a total stranger, came up to me, smiling in the most friendly way, and than told me: ‘You look like Sideshow Bob’. When I’m in New York it happens to me at least once in the two weeks that I usually stay there.
Now I do agree that because of my hair there is some comparison between me and Sideshow Bob. Although I wouldn't think of killing Bart Simpson or any of his family members. No way.

The Simpsons is one of my favorite TV-shows ever. My dear Miss D. knows that, and from her I got the tip that on the Simpsons movie website you can now make your own Simpsons character . Heehee...!!

I would say, I could do the part of Sideshow Bob's nicer cousin...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007