Sunday, December 16, 2007

Badly bruised

I didn’t think much of it when it happened, but... God I’m hurting!
I had a little accident last Tuesday, when I was stupid enough to climb on a desk chair (with wheels!) to reach for something. An all too sudden move was enough to have me falling, by which I landed with my chest on the edge of the file cabinet.
It really didn’t hurt that much at the time. The pain is increasing every day though. And now, five days later, my right side aches like hell. I mean really LIKE HELL!
I don’t know how to sit or lie down anymore and when I do I hardly can get up later. Coughing and even breathing is painful, sneezing feels like being shot by a firing-squad. You can imagine I didn’t get much sleep last night.
Now my internet doctor tells me that it will take about six weeks for bruised ribs to heal. SIX weeks!! Man, am I screwed.


Anonymous said...

Internet-dokter???? Wat dacht je van een real-life dokter??? Lijkt mij geen overbodige luxe hoor....
Beetje op jezelf passen (zei het oude wijf...)!!
Ik wens je beterschap en zie je 2e kerstdag!
Groetjes van mij,

Richard said...

maak je geen zorgen, Conny. Die real-life dokter kan ook weinig met een paar gekneusde ribben. Het gaat vandaag trouwens een stuk beter dan gisteren. Lang leve Ibuprofen!!

Anonymous said...

Seems like a tough lady, but she's right. Look after yourself. Are you still working or are you enjoying a long season's holiday? And are you still coming down to Wilmington the 26th?