I first set foot there on March 1st 1990 – as an intern for three months. I studied journalism back than, in Utrecht. Since that day the Waarderpolder became an almost too familiar place for me.
In the years that followed I kept writing for the paper on a freelance basis. Until our relationship faded. But not for long.
Somewhere in the Spring of 1996 we met again. That is: I found myself upstairs at club Paradiso in Amsterdam together with J.O. We were waiting for a showcase of Maria McKee to begin and talked a little. J.O., then head of HD’s art department, asked me why he never saw me in the Waarderpolder anymore. There were no real good reasons, I guess. And I was flattered when he asked me to step by somewhere the following week to see if we could work together.
So I did. In that same year I moved to an appartment only 6 minutes from the HD-office - by bike that is. Four years later I got my recent appartment, whitch is even closer by.
March 1998 - eight years after my first day as an intern I signed my contract for a steady post. For the next seven and a half years I worked as a pop- and rock journalist, seeing a lot of concerts, interviewing some of the finest artists. Until things changed and my work would never be what it was ever again.
That was some 17 months ago. I changed jobs. Since September 2005 I am HD’s city hall reporter, a position I still enjoy every day.

Today I went to see the old building one more time. It has been sold and the new owner is tearing it down.
Looking at the rubble I realized that, although I had some great years here, I have never really grown attached to the building itself. It’s strange to see it shattered, but that is all.
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