I took a big risk though - I dared to walk right through city center where this weekend a very big culinary festival is happening. Still, I managed to get to the other end without any real cracks in the cocoon. Okay, I did ran into L., but apparently for very clear cocoon-related reasons it took me almost two seconds to realize it was her. We said hello, smiled and no damage to the cocoon was ever done.
After that it went all smoothly. I reached the old dunes, where I wandered for hours. Was I alone? No. I came across a family of swans, I saw and heard birds, bees and crickets, and there were flowers and plants and trees whispering in the wind. I was – so to say - Part Of Nature! All that under a brilliantly shining sun.
I even took some pictures:

Only pictures? No, but thanks for asking. I also managed to produce and direct my second mobile phone made Dogma film, titled: Outdoors Cocooning.
What do you mean, boring? It's a DOGMA film, stupid!!
Anyway, when I got home I made myself a nice and nutricious dinner which I had on my balcony.

And thus come my cocooning days to an end, I guess. Z. is back in town. I think I'll take her out for a nice glass of wine somewhere tomorrow.
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